Here is my final film poster i decided to have the location in the grave yard as i thought that it would be creepy and a sterotypical place to have a horror film. The pose of the character i decided to have him looking over his shoulder as it looks like he is staring right at the audience, also when he is in this pose it gives the illusion that he is crouched over some one attacking them. With the editing on his face i wanted it to look as grouesome as possible, i did this and i think the effect of this would scare the audience and also make them wonder what the film is about. I decided on the scratched typogaphy as it is a conventional style of font for the horror genre, i decided on coming soon as i wanted it to be a teaser trailer and wanted to not give a lot of the film away. I put the title flesh on the grave stone as i thought it would be a more interesting placement of the title rather than having it put in a conventional place.

I had the picture of my character to the side as when i researched sight and sound they tended to move the image to fill the cover with either text or have a huge background image. The backgroung image that i decided to use kept to the style of the horror genre and this is echoed through the blood on the character's face. I have used the scratched font for 'flesh' as this is continued throughout my promotional series. The horror revival font is what i researched and had been used for old horror film promotions and i thought that this would had been something sight and sound would of used. The smaller font I had a link to the classic horror film 'The shinning' where Jack Nicholson uses a type writer to write possesed notes, i thought that audiences would notice this if they were die hard horror fans.