Tuesday, 29 March 2011


I was searching horror film posters of 2011 and i came across Red riding hood and it has simular conventions that i would like to use in my poster. It uses a very dark image that i would like to use yet you can see see everything it has complimenting colors witht the red which stands out from the poster and also it echoed throughout the poster, also where this is a teaser trailer it doesnt have and bottom credits it jsut says comming soon which i would liketo use for my poster as i think i might make it a teaser trailer.

Deciding what to feature in my magazine

For my version of sight and sound i knew i wanted to look

at a film festival that my film could feature in as my film is

low budget and not a lot of people would see it at first i wanted

to enter it in a film festival that isn't very mainstream. So

i looked on google for independant film festivals in England

and i came accross the London Independant film festival and

below you can see it has films from all over the country wich are a bit unusual and quite arty, so i knew that it was the one i wanted to feature and they have a programme that i have looked at and i have used the names of the filmsi liked on my magazine front cover.

Plot for film

As before i didnt have a complete story line for my film i have come up with a basic plot that i can use, we know that in my story a virus has broken out we may not nesissairly see this happening but it could be shown through different news reports and voice overs that i could use in my trailer and there are possibly 3 main character that you will see a lot throughout the trailer there will be a main boy, girl and zombie but you with see additional cast throughout. As for settings it will be based in a town that has been taken ove yet it is very secluded so you will see minimal characters and things like cars but its set where the goverment have completely given up so people have to reply on themselves to survive, so there will be quite a lot of shots used to show this.

Tuesday, 15 March 2011

Photos and locations for my film poster

Here is a second location that i have used in my film it is an old cemetery just up the road from my house i decided to use this location as it looked very eery and it had old grave stones that i could use in my film. Below you can see photos that i took of my brother the ones in his pajamas are the test shots that i did to decide on the poses that i wanted him to do and the other images in the grave yard are the actual photos that i am going to use for my poster.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011

Audience feedback

Here i have explained the concept of my film to two of my friends and i have asked thier opinion on my film, i have also asked others but i did not get a chance to film them. I asked people who were my target audience which was late teenagers early twenties so about 15-20 and all of them liked my concept and thought that it was a film that they would be interested in seeing.

Sunday, 6 March 2011

Filming update

With my filming i have various parts of scenes that i have already filmed but i need to tie up the loose ends an i have had an idea i have thought about my original idea of using the hand camera technique within my film and i am going to use that in my film revolving around my main character like he is making diary entries about his survival. I took inspiration for this idea from Danny Boyle's 127 hours where the main character's arm is stuck between a boulder for a number of days and he uses the camera to leave messages to his loved ones. I think using this in my film would make the audience empathise with the character more also we could show his emotions throughout the trailer in this way.

So i will continue to film these scenes and interaction with the other characters in the next week then hopefully at the end of this week i will be ready to edit my film.

Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Sight and sound

For my magazine cover i have decided to use sight and sound, i have chosen to use this magazine as they look at all different genres and languages of films and dont have a specialized type that they focus on.
Here we have the cover that they had for 'Inglorious Bastards' where they have Quentin Tarantino in an unusual pose pointing at the camera, this pose shows that he is trying to connect with the audience and that this could be seen as people want to buy it asd they are being approached in this way. the color scheme that is used is ver dark with reds and blacks that refelect that its about a dark film also it reflects that its a film about war. This darkness contrasts to the 'sight and sound' banner even though its the magazines house style it contrasts nicely with the layout. The rest of the layout is very spaced out with different typeography that looks as if some one has written it then there is a quirky way of adding some text too with the gun shot i thought that this was a different idea that worked really well.

In comparison to this cover which is a completely different take on the magazine its very bland with just a plan blue background the house style with the titles is used again and contrasts nicely the typography that is used s very sketchy and looks as if it has been written, this works becuase it says on the cover than he is talking about roald dahl's book fantastic Mr. fox and the interview is about the film so i suppose its in Dahl's style.

With sight and sound they tend to have a bland background with an image then they use typography that refelects to the theme i think i will use this in my magazine as it will reflect well with the horror genre and i could play around with different layouts that they use.