Friday, 22 October 2010
What we are going to do in half term
Thursday, 21 October 2010
Changed idea
Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Tuesday, 12 October 2010
story board

Audience feedback
- They liked it becuase it had familiarities to other films and it's a story line that our age group could relate with.
- They like the humourous side to a romance film rather than it being serious all of the time.
- They liked the style that i might be filming it as ( as a diary entry over a week).
- How my characters were going to be about our age.
- How the storyline was original
- How the story could appeal to different ages and genders.
Monday, 11 October 2010
New idea
I came up with an idea which was very spur of the moment and wrote it down. Our film follows a boy on a social networking website talking to a girl and what we can see from the picture, who is very pretty and she asks the boy 'so what do you look like'? and the boy types back a stereotypical muscly, exotic, foreign man , the type that a woman would jump at the chance of getting then it pans out to a man who is completely the opposite. The story follows the boy over a week and there is a constant timer counting down the days, he is in this week trying to become this man that he said he was to the woman.
Thursday, 7 October 2010
Mood board for a romance film.

500 Days of Summer
With this trailer i like how it starts of just a conversation which shows that they have simularities with each other; them both liking the smiths and it sets you up for a typical love story. i like the use of old footage as them as children i think i would like to use something simular my film to this, rather than using a total flash back have a grainy, family home movie. This trailer makes you think more and more that they are a couple and the use of imagery is significant too with their hands in the shape of a heart we could use this sort of subtle imagery in our trailer, maybe using the same scene or a variation of the scene. I like the use of a cut scene and a timer counting down the days i could use this in my trailer by counting either the days hes loved this girl or how long it will be until he sees her again.
Changed idea
Tuesday, 5 October 2010
What our group had done so far.
Matt and Rathe have written out a story board and have written down possible ideas for the story line and a detailed version of the story board.